Anteriad Ambassador Program

Stephan and Melissa

At Anteriad Spain, our people are our greatest asset. So, who better to help us find the best candidates than those who have already embraced our values and culture?

Introducing the Anteriad Ambassador Program, an initiative designed to leverage the talent and network of our existing team members to bring in new, exceptional colleagues. Any Anteriad Spain employee can become an ambassador by recommending a someone they know  who reflects our business values for one of our open vacancies. Once hired and being part of the team for half a year, the Anteriad “Ambassador” will get a special bonus for introducing us!   

Here's one of our latest Anteriad Ambassador success stories, Stephan and Melissa!  To learn more about the Anteriad Ambassador program, feel free to ask our Recruitment team.

Who are Stephan and Melissa?

Stephan: I’m half Swedish and half Spanish and consider myself pretty lucky to have spent my life moving between the two. I started on the phone in 2021 at BNZSA (now Anteriad) and have since had the privilege of being a Coach and Quality Control, then Team Leader and now the Program Manager, operating with the Intel vPro Promoters.  Without a doubt, my greatest passion outside of work is my daughter Greta who is nearly 10 years old. From Metallica to Aitana, she loves singing and dancing and we even play in a band together when the stars align. Travel also plays a huge part in my life, either on my motorbike or with Greta in our RV.

Melissa:  I was born in Torino, Italy, and when I was 8 years old, we moved to Barcelona. Now I’ve been living in Madrid for a few years, and thanks to Stephan I had the opportunity to join Anteriad. I am very happy and look forward to learning more and continuing to develop myself professionally. Personally, I would describe myself as a dreamer and adventure-seeker. You’ll always find me with a smile on my face because I believe that a positive attitude is essential to enjoying work and in general, life.

What teams do your work on?

Stephan: I’m currently the Program Manager working with the Intel vPro Promoters where I coordinate their work around the world.

Melissa: I am very proud to be working on the International Team and am currently working on Spanish campaigns, where my Catalan has come in handy with some prospects!  And I speak Italian too, so I also hope to work on Italian campaigns in the future.

What do you like most about working at Anteriad Spain?

Stephan: The colleagues absolutely, they are the foundation of Anteriad. Also, the diversity in the day-to-day challenges, no day is like the other.

Melissa: Because of some of my past work experiences, there's a lot to love here: the inclusion, the Team Days, and the atmosphere.  There’s a sense of camaraderie, and I feel I always have the help and support of my supervisors and colleagues, and the possibility to keep learning and growing.

What advice would you give to someone starting at Anteriad Spain?

Stephan: Buckle up, friend! You’re in for a ride that you won’t forget! Enjoy the opportunity you have here to learn, share and show what you’re made of. 😊

Melissa: Enjoy the trip and the experience. Working here is unique, so make the most of it and you'll learn more than you imagined. “Life is a climb, but the view is great.”

The University of North Texas Visits Anteriad Spain!

We were delighted to receive a delegation of Business & Management undergraduates from the University of North Texas at Anteriad Spain this week!

During their visit to Madrid, they took the opportunity to visit our office to get a hands-on view of the ins-and-outs of how people work together, and how things get done in the B2B world, gaining insights on B2B marketing and taking in our multi-cultural work environment.

The future is bright with a young group like this!

Meet the Recruitment Team - Rafael

Tell me about yourself.

My name is Rafael, and I am a dedicated psychologist with a deep passion for my work. I started my career as a forensic psychologist in investigations and later transitioned to the HR and recruitment field, where I have over six years of successful experience.

How long have you been at Anteriad?

I have been with Anteriad for a month as the newest team member. Since my arrival, we've made significant progress by combining my colleagues' extensive experience with psychological factors, enhancing both our quality and response times.

What teams do you recruit for?

I am focusing on various foundational functions for the department, so I do not have a single defined team yet. However, I am supporting different processes.

What do you look for in candidates?

At Anteriad, we provide new employees with all the knowledge they need to succeed, along with the necessary tools and a growth-oriented environment. What I look for in a candidate are skills that cannot be taught, such as human warmth, insight, willpower, and a strong desire to grow with us.

As a Recruiter, what advice do you have for those interviewing for a job as a Rocker (or Roadie) at Anteriad?

Be yourself, tell us about your plans, and above all, ask any questions that come to your mind. We have a very human and objective model for conducting our processes. Feel confident. It doesn't matter if this is your first job or if you're considering a career change and coming to a new adventure with us.

What is your favourite thing about working at Anteriad?

At Anteriad, I find a company that cares about the well-being of its employees, provides the opportunities I seek, and where I feel fulfilled professionally. Anteriad is a place where I feel happy from Monday to Friday, and that means everything to me.

Meet the Recruitment Team - Niamh 

Tell me about yourself.

My name is Niamh (pronounced nee-uv) O’Driscoll, and I am originally from Cork, Ireland. I moved to Spain in September of 2021 after graduating with a degree in Modern Languages and Linguistics. I chose Madrid for the culture, the people, and of course, the weather! 

How long have you been at Anteriad?

I began at Anteriad (formerly known as BNZSA) in June of 2022, as a BDR on the UK team, and I joined the Recruitment team in March of 2023. 

What teams do you recruit for?

Being a native English speaker, I generally focus on the English-speaking teams such as the UK or US teams, but I have also recruited for the BeNe team and conducted interviews in French and Spanish. 

What do you look for in candidates?

I am always looking for punctuality, professionality and the overall willingness to learn. We have a great Learning and Development team at Anteriad, who are prepared to help everyone acquire the key BDR skills required, as long as they are ready and keen to put the work in. 

As a Recruiter, what advice do you have for those interviewing for a job as a Rocker (or Roadie) at Anteriad?

Be punctual, be prepared, and be yourself. In my experience, good people make good employees, so the interview is for us to get to know you as a person, just as much as who you are professionally.

What is your favourite thing about working at Anteriad?

We have some really great colleagues working alongside us. I have made some lifelong friends here and learned so much from my colleagues, the people are definitely the best part about Anteriad.  

Meet the Recruitment Team - David 

Tell me about yourself.  

Hi! I’m David and I was born and bred in Madrid. After having attended the Lycée Français here in the city, I got a degree in Journalism. I’d say that I’m quite the extrovert and always up for a laugh. I also love spending time with my family & friends, going to restaurants, you know the typical small pleasures in life! 

How long have you been at Anteriad?  

Around March 2015, freshly graduated, I landed in this start-up somewhere in Alcorcón, ready and willing to have my first real professional experience ... and that was for BNZSA! Nine years later, here I am still kicking, and enjoying the evolution into what is now Anteriad! 

What teams do you recruit for?

As Head of our Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Team, I help all departments find the right fit for their needs: from Design and Finance to Office Management and the Rockers in Production! 

What do you look for in candidates? 

Professionalism, enthusiasm, humility and overall, being a good person! In general, candidates should have a good understanding of how they can help our company and what they want to get from their professional experience with us.

As a Recruiter, what advice do you have for those interviewing for a job as a Rocker (or Roadie) at Anteriad?

Come prepared, be yourself, show your skills and if possible, have fun during our conversation!

What is your favourite thing about working at Anteriad? 

The People! From meeting them for the first time, to seeing them evolve and grow into the next level of professional. Also, getting to know them personally and their amazing stories!  

Meet the Recruitment Team - Tuomas

Tell me about yourself.

My name is Tuomas. I’m your typical millennial and have the pleasure of being a Recruiter at Anteriad. I’m Finnish but was born and partially raised in Germany. My partner and I moved to Madrid in September 2020 from Sweden, during the pandemic, to give the Spanish adventure a try. When not recruiting, I enjoy reading fantasy and going tapas-hopping around Calle Cava Baja in the La Latina neighbourhood.

How long have you been at Anteriad?

I started at Anteriad in October 2020 as a Rocker (Business Development Representative) for the German-speaking team. After around 6 months of rocking the phones, I moved into the Recruitment department, starting off as a Junior Recruiter.

What teams do you recruit for?

In general terms, I work to attract and hire talent across our international teams of Business Development Representatives, also known as Rockers. My focus lies on hiring Madrid-based Rockers, as well as talent living and working outside of the Comunidad de Madrid for our German-speaking team of BDRs, which are called Roadies. When needed, I also assist in finding the right fit for our English- and Dutch-/Flemish-speaking teams.

And finally, I help in facilitating any internal recruitment processes that might occur, as well as in filling other external vacancies, depending on our staffing needs. 

What do you look for in candidates?

At the core of a solid Rocker or Roadie profile are the abilitiesto handle challenges, to self-motivate, and to apply the techniques and tricks put forward by our Coaches and Team Leaders. Based on this, we screen candidates for energy, coachability, and a can-do-attitude.

Lastly and most importantly, we’re looking for good People.

As a recruiter, what advice do you have for those interviewing for a Rocker (or Roadie) job?

It’s quite basic really: Be upfront and be yourself.

For the interview, bring pen and paper to take notes, as we tend to provide our candidates with quite a lot of information. Last but not least, be honest with yourself about your own abilities and expectations about the role as a BDR on the phone.

What is your favourite thing about working at Anteriad?

This may sound a bit cliché, but it’s definitely the people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with. With 40 nationalities working in our Spanish office alone, it’s a truly international work environment! And we can be sure that everybody here has an interesting story to tell.  

What to expect during your first month at Anteriad

So, you’ve got the job, and you’re officially joining the band as a Rocker or Roadie, but what comes next? The first month of working with us here at Anteriad will be jam packed with new information, new day-to-day tasks, and a lot of new faces, which is an exciting but often overwhelming experience!  

To make things easier for you, here’s a quick insight into what to expect so that you can walk into your new job with all the energy and enthusiasm you will need for the challenges we throw your way!  

Week 1:   

Our Head of Recruitment, David Arroyo, has a phrase that he will repeat throughout the week; “You are not here to save the company.”   

We understand that this first week will be loaded with information, so if by the end of it you know where the toilets are and recognize your team members, you are exactly where we expect you to be.   

Day one we’ll ease you in with a quick tour and introduction to our different teams. You will be given all the equipment you need to conduct your day-to-day tasks and of course there will be a bit of admin to do with HR to get you all set up.   

Our Onboarding team have designed your training sessions to be interactive, and they love to see people participating and asking questions so don’t be afraid to speak up! You will also have some sessions with our Chief Production Officer Cristina Biet and your team leader.  

And just like that, you’ll have made it through Week 1! Time to relax and recharge at the BBQ on our rooftop terrace on Friday afternoon.  


Week 2:   

During your second week with us, you will dive into the ins and outs of what it means to be a Rocker. The goal of this week is to prepare you for whatever the gatekeepers and decision makers have to say. So, you can expect sessions about active listening, how to handle difficult calls and, finally, what to say when you reach the decision maker to spark their interest and generate a lead.   

The familiar faces who recruited you will also pop back up at different points during this week to run some sessions with you and to check that you’re settling in okay.  

Week 3:   

Time to hit the phone! This week that you will be given the opportunity to ‘learn by doing´. There will be lots of calling time and opportunities to make leads during your third week. Naturally, there will still be things that you are unsure of, so our Onboarding team will still be there to help you with anything you might need!  

There will also be more focus on attention to detail, for example keeping your CRM neat and tidy and sharpening your IT knowledge so you can sound more confident on the phone.   

Week 4:   

At this point, you will have spent almost one month working with us. Congratulations in advance! Your fourth week of training will consist once again of lots of calling. After all, practice makes perfect, right?   

As well as spending your time on the phones, we aim to add to your skill set as much as possible during your training. You can expect to learn more tips and tricks that will help you on the phone and to give you a more well-rounded knowledge of all we do here at Anteriad.  

You will also take part in some more fun, interactive sessions hosted by the recruitment team, before celebrating the end of your first month!   

Week 5 and beyond:  

The first month is a whirlwind of training and getting to grips with the ins and outs of the IT marketing world, but our motto is that you never stop learning! Once you finish Onboarding, don’t worry you will still be supported by your Team Leader and our team of brilliant coaches to continuously develop your knowledge and to be as successful as possible during your time with us!   

A day in the life of a Anteriad Rocker

Wondering what being a rocker is all about or what exactly their day-to-day job entails? 

Here’s what a typical day in the life of an Anteriad Rocker looks like: 

7:30 – Breakfast with the team! 

Before starting for the day, our Rockers help themselves to some free breakfast in the canteen. And maybe a coffee to get the energy going for the day. 

Our rooftop terrace is a great spot to watch the sunrise over the mountains too – what a way to start the morning! 

8:00 – Team Meeting 

Every day our teams kick off with a quick meeting to set goals and motivate each other for the day ahead. 

8:15 – Time to hit the phone! 

Let’s get down to business! Each Rocker will have one or two campaigns that they work on depending on their market. From hardware, to software, to servers, each Rocker has their strengths. Their coaches and team leaders work together to make sure each Rocker works on the right campaign for them! 

Rockers have a list of companies the client wants to target, so they ring each of these accounts. The idea is to identify what companies have an IT project, and what are the best opportunities for our clients to make a sale. 

Talking to people on the phone is always the best way to gather info, so our Rockers always make sure to ask the right questions – who is the best person to talk to? Who is the decision maker? What days are they in the office? Etc. 

11:30 – Warm Handover 

A Warm Handover (or a WHO as we call it for short) is Anteriad’s own process of handing a lead over to our clients. 

Woohoo! A Rocker managed to speak to the right decision maker on the phone – and even better, they have an upcoming project and are interested in learning about our clients’ products or services. So, they set up a WHO – a three-way call between them, the client, and the decision maker to introduce them to each other. 

Rockers work closely with our clients, being sure to brief them before the WHO so they are prepared for the call and know what kind of project the prospect has and what kind of information they want to know! 

13:00 – Lunch 

Time to grab a bite to eat. Our canteen is equipped with plenty of microwaves and vending machines or as Mercadona is only a 5-minute walk away, our Rockers are spoilt for choice. 

If they feel like it, they can also join our free yoga classes that take place during lunch hour! 

14:00 – Team Meeting 

A quick team meeting to re-group and get going for the last few hours of the day. It’s a great way for our Rockers to motivate each other after lunch! 

14:15 – Power hour! 

Each market has their own “power hour” – the best hours for calling. It’s time to hit the phones and get some leads and power through till the end of the day! 

17:00 – Home time! 

And just like that another day done and time to unwind. 

Our Rockers have the choice to stay at the office and train with Patricia who gives free fitness classes twice a week or they can hitch a ride on our Anteriad Bus into the city centre to enjoy everything Madrid has to offer! 

Levelling up your career with BNZSA 

We have been so lucky to have some great Rockers come through our doors over the years.  

We know not all of them will stay with us forever, but we’re happy to know that we’ve helped them build the skills and knowledge they needed to take the next steps in their career.  

See what our BNZSA Alumni Ludovic and Sebastian have to say about what they learned during their time at BNZSA.  

How does the BNZSA Roadie program work?

Want to join the band, but based outside of Madrid? Don’t worry!

We launched our Roadies Program in April 2022 to expand our reach outside of Madrid. We are proud to have our headquarters in Las Rozas and we have a lot of talent here, but we want to open the market to the rest of Spain (excluding the islands). From Galicia to Alicante, BNZSA’s doors are now open to people across peninsular Spain!

How will it work for the Roadies?

Roadies can be based anywhere in the Spanish peninsula, but you will spend the first week of onboarding with us in Las Rozas. Once you get to grips with the BNZSA way and set yourself up with all the skills you need to, you will be able to work from the comfort of their own home starting week two!

As a Roadie you will then come to the office once per quarter in order to spend time with your team and enjoy the BNZSA lifestyle!

Do Roadies have the same supports in place as Rockers based in Madrid?

Of course! Roadies have the same access to the BNZSA support network as every Rocker - Team Leaders, Coaches and everyone else here in Madrid who strives to keep you on top of your game. Roadies also have a dedicated Office & Logistics team to support and organise your quarterly visits.

We all know we are working to build business relationships and put leads on the board – that will always be the same for Rocker and Roadie alike.

Can Roadies work from outside of Spain?

Currently we are only hiring in peninsular Spain. Spain is our home, we are a Spanish company, and our headquarters are in Madrid – we want people who are working in remote to still feel part of the office, enjoy our work culture, and to come and visit easily.

The BNZSA Passport scheme to work for a short period from anywhere in Europe is open to Rockers and Roadies alike.