A day in the life of a Anteriad Rocker
Wondering what being a rocker is all about or what exactly their day-to-day job entails?
Here’s what a typical day in the life of an Anteriad Rocker looks like:
7:30 – Breakfast with the team!
Before starting for the day, our Rockers help themselves to some free breakfast in the canteen. And maybe a coffee to get the energy going for the day.
Our rooftop terrace is a great spot to watch the sunrise over the mountains too – what a way to start the morning!
8:00 – Team Meeting
Every day our teams kick off with a quick meeting to set goals and motivate each other for the day ahead.

8:15 – Time to hit the phone!
Let’s get down to business! Each Rocker will have one or two campaigns that they work on depending on their market. From hardware, to software, to servers, each Rocker has their strengths. Their coaches and team leaders work together to make sure each Rocker works on the right campaign for them!
Rockers have a list of companies the client wants to target, so they ring each of these accounts. The idea is to identify what companies have an IT project, and what are the best opportunities for our clients to make a sale.
Talking to people on the phone is always the best way to gather info, so our Rockers always make sure to ask the right questions – who is the best person to talk to? Who is the decision maker? What days are they in the office? Etc.
11:30 – Warm Handover
A Warm Handover (or a WHO as we call it for short) is Anteriad’s own process of handing a lead over to our clients.
Woohoo! A Rocker managed to speak to the right decision maker on the phone – and even better, they have an upcoming project and are interested in learning about our clients’ products or services. So, they set up a WHO – a three-way call between them, the client, and the decision maker to introduce them to each other.
Rockers work closely with our clients, being sure to brief them before the WHO so they are prepared for the call and know what kind of project the prospect has and what kind of information they want to know!

13:00 – Lunch
Time to grab a bite to eat. Our canteen is equipped with plenty of microwaves and vending machines or as Mercadona is only a 5-minute walk away, our Rockers are spoilt for choice.
If they feel like it, they can also join our free yoga classes that take place during lunch hour!
14:00 – Team Meeting
A quick team meeting to re-group and get going for the last few hours of the day. It’s a great way for our Rockers to motivate each other after lunch!
14:15 – Power hour!
Each market has their own “power hour” – the best hours for calling. It’s time to hit the phones and get some leads and power through till the end of the day!
17:00 – Home time!
And just like that another day done and time to unwind.

Our Rockers have the choice to stay at the office and train with Patricia who gives free fitness classes twice a week or they can hitch a ride on our Anteriad Bus into the city centre to enjoy everything Madrid has to offer!